Fluency & Coherence

Speaker : 66
Gender : Male
IELTS Speaking Score : 8
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 1


E-examiner S-student Play
E: Now I am going to ask you some questions about yourself. Let’s start with what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
S: So, I am, I’m still a final year student studying English major at a university in Hong Kong. I would say that I work, I do not work officially, but I have been self-employed as an English tutor and I make some money by tutoring some students on a re, regular basis without a contract, so I’m not sure that counts as, like, a formal employment or not. But I would say that most of the time, or essentially, I’m a student and I don’t work.

E: Why did you choose to study this subject?
S: The reason why I study English is because I, I am very fascinated by the poet named Sylvia Plath. She’s my favorite poet. I, I read her poems back in my secondary school, back in my high school, to be more specific. And I was really attracted to the power of words and how it could unfold that primitive side of experience through, through something that we use on a regular basis, w, which is language. So, yeah, so I wanna investigate literature, and more specifically, human nature in our, in a language that I love. So, I studied En… So, I pursued English.

E: So, do you prefer studying in the morning or in the afternoon?
S: I prefer studying in the afternoon to be honest because, s, if I wake up… u, like, usually I wake up in the morning, it’s because I have to work, and I, I am someone who’s a bit nocturnal. I love staying up late, so I don’t, so I, so I sleep late as well. I, I always sleep in {laughing}. So, I don’t really, I don’t think that my brain can concentrate during the morning. My brain is getting more used to the, you know, like, the afternoon schedule of working. So, I think my… I think my head works better when it’s in a, during the afternoon. So, I will use it as my preferred time slot for study.

E: Now, let’s talk about change. Do you like changes?
S: I quite love changes to be honest, because as human beings, we are md, we are always mutable. As we are living in this ex, as we are living in this world, I think one thing we need to learn is to embrace changes and to appreciate the good side of it. If, if we don’t, w, we cannot appreciate the beauty of changes, we cannot master the skills of… for example, resilience because, because there’s, because t, there’s no such s… because there’s a lot of things in life that we can predict and when there’s change we have to, like, make ourself getting used to it and make ourself love it, because, because, so that we can see difference possibilities laying ahead of us.

E: Thank you. Have you changed a lot since your childhood?
S: Yeah, I’ve changed a lot since my childhood. I th, think, I think that as a child, we would always think that our parents are perfect. But one thing that has changed me a lot it’s that we cannot continue living with this mentality of, of always thinking that the other person is perfect. I’ve… By the end of, like, by the end of my 20-year-old, I realize that my parents are also human beings, and there are somethings that they cannot pre, provide for me, and so what I would do instead is to create the things that they can’t provide for me, because I am a grown adult. So, I think that the biggest change I have experienced since my childhood is to realize that there are, the world is not perfect. The world, it’s much more… it’s much mistier and much more ambiguous than it, and then it really is that it has been portrayed in a fairytale or something.

E: What do you plan to change in the next year?
S: What do I plan to change in my next year? I want to change my status from students to working. I wanna… Because I have graduated, I think that through my four years of university study I have gathered enough skills, enough experiences to, to really... like, I have been geared up for the future employment. So, I want to change my status from being a student, from scholarship to employment, from, from being and from being study, from studying in an academic institute to working and really being productive moneywise or business-wise in a, in a society.

E: Now, let’s talk about weekends. What do you usually do on the weekends?
S: I sleep in on the weekend, and, and when I wak, and when I wake up, it’s usually, like, five or six in the afternoon. And then I watch Netflix, I watch a lot of TV series. And then I will buy some… and then I will shop some groceries and then make some, cook some nice food with my friends in the dormitories, because I’m, because I’m living in a university dorm now. So yeah, so basically it’s just chill, Netflix, and then cooking.

E: Did you do anything special last weekend?
S: Well {laughing}… I didn’t do anything special last weekend because last weekend there’s a very serious pandemic situation going on. And unfortunately one o, of, one of the students living in my dorm, he or she has been, has tested positive for the virus, so we gotta stay in, and then we gotta collect our sample for the COVID antigen test. So, we didn’t… so, we can’t really hang out. So, we couldn’t really hang out. So, last weekend there wasn’t anything to do except, except staying in our rooms, and then cooking, eating, surviving.

E: What will you do next weekend?
S: Next weekend? Next weekend is my birthday. Once, every my birthday, I’m gonna buy a large Christmas... Sorry, not Christmas... I’m gonna buy a large, very delicious birthday cake with some candles, and I’m, and I’m really looking forward to my friends’ birthday messages. I’m going to… And I’m going to plan for my, for my, for my 23rd, it should be my 23rd year living on, here on Earth.


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