
Speaker : 64
Gender : Female
IELTS Speaking Score : 7.5
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 3


E-examiner S-student
E: Thank you. So, we’ve been talking about an intelligent person and I’d like to discuss with you one or two more questions related to this. Let’s begin with, first of all, smart people. So, are smart people happier than others?
S: I think it really depend. I don’t think there is a like… right or wrong answer. If we say, like, intelligents people are more smart, I think they can make good use of their, like, strength, because they are more smart, they can think of like… as I said, more easier ways to live their lives, or like… they are having a higher educational level. But, if people are not that smart, or in other word, I would say, like, stupid, I think they are also happy in some way because they just live their life, they don’t have to care for more things because they think less. So, I think it really depends on how we live as a person rather than determining it by seeing whether we are smart or not.

E: So, in your opinion, are smart people sometimes quite selfish?
S: For smart people are they selfish… I think they are not that selfish. Yeah, again i, it really depends on how you live as a person. If you… your person I… so I think, like… if you are smart, or intelligent, it is more like your strength, but if you are selfish, it is more like your personalities. So, I think they are two different things, where I think for the intelligent person that I know, I think they are not selfish but… yeah… I think it depends on your personali…

E: OK. Thank you. Why do you think some children are more intelligent than others?
S: For some children, I think it definitely is, like, related to their educational background or their family. So, I think family has more, an impact on the children rather than education because while the children are living in a family, their parents are the caretak, are the caregiver and they are responsible for educating them f, from such a, like, early stage. And, if their parents can give them a good, like, education, or like, good foundation on their knowledge, I think they can be build on a, like, a more, like, more intelligent person. Or for example if they train their brain since they were small, I think it really helps them to, like, like, keep their brain working and moving, so, it will make them a more intelligent person. And also the education from school, if they are very, like, focusing or concentrating in school, and they learn more and they absorb the, more knowledge better. And I think it also result, s, them to be a intelligent person.

E: Who plays the biggest role in a child’s development, the teacher or the parent?
S: So, the is, I think a similar, a similar thing I talked about before. I think the parents are more responsible because they are the, like, primary giver, and they spend most of the time with the children rather than the teacher because for some sense, teacher are just, like, giving their lesson within the classroom, especially in primary school. However, in the family, not only they take care of their daily lives, they also are, like, the parents are also responsible for teaching them, like, minor things, like, how to treat others well, how to behave well, or they can prepare some games, or, like, training for the brains for children. And… yeah because the parent spend more time with the children, therefore I think the parents are more important in shaping children.

E: Do you think that by being intelligent it’s easier to be successful?
S: Well, in some sense I would say yes, because if you’re intelligent you can think of more ways, and, and have, like, more access to different resources. Yes, because you can think more and you can plan more in… so, i, it depends on how would you define success. I’ve, I mean, like, for some of the situation, we really need to be lucky, like, we need lucks as our, our, our elements to be successful. But, I think in some sense, yes, smart person does, will be easier for them to be successful.

E: OK, thank you very much. That’s the end of the speaking test.


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2. Letters in green contain vowel features.
3. Letters in red contain features with syllable structure change.
4. Words in blue contain mispronunciation features.
5. Words in pink contain features with word stress.
6. Letters highlighted in light green contain features with consonant-vowel linking.