Lexical Resource

Speaker : 57
Gender : Female
IELTS Speaking Score : 7
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 3


E-examiner S-student Play
(0:00 - 0:30)
E: Now, I’m going to move on to part three of the speaking test. {Um-hum} We’ve been talking about a building that impressed you, and I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this topic. {Um-hum} What are the key features you look for when choosing somewhere to live?
S: Key features? {Um} OK, to begin with, I’ll choose a city where there is a river flow in the middle of the city.

(0:30 - 0:50)
E: Why?
S: I think it kind of be a, the city I was born. It has this beautiful river, and I think it’s somehow kinda of this habit. And the second reason is I find a river is very important to the city {Um-hum}. If they have a river, you can build a lot of facilities along this river for their citizens to enjoy.

(0:50 - 0:57)
E: Do you think most people think rivers are important for a city?
S: I don’t think so. I… Actually, I’m the only one who I have found think like this so far {What}.

(0:57 – 1:08)
E: What do your friends or other people you talk to think is a key feature when looking for somewhere to live?
S: Is it convenient to have their daily life there? Like {Um-hum}, do they have the big shopping malls, this kind of things.

(1:08 – 1:19)
E: The facilities are…
S: Yes, facilities are important. And if there’s enough career opportunities for them there {Um-hum}, I think it’s one the most important features looking for {OK}.

(1:19 – 1:30)
E: What do you think is most important there? What do you think is the most important thing that makes a building a home rather than just somewhere to live?
S: Who are you living with.

(1:30 – 1:41)
E: Why?
S: Because like building is all the same. Apartment {Um-hum} is all the same. The decoration is no, not a big thing, but the people you are living with, I think, is the core of a family.

(1:41 – 1:45)
E: Do you mean the family or the neighbors as well?
S: Just the family.

(1:45 – 1:52)
E: Just the family {Yes}. So, the neighbors…
S: Are they matters? {Are they important} Not, not matter as important as my family.

(1:52 – 1:59)
E: How do you imagine homes will be different in ten years in the future compared to now?
S: My home?

(1:59 – 2:17)
E: Just homes in general.
S: Just homes {Yeah}. There would be more high-tech things {Um-hum}. One of my friends, he went to Paris months ago, and he told us about this kind of automatical curtain, curtain that you can mud, remote it with a remoter. I think i, it is something going to have in every house in the recent years.

(2:17 – 2:28)
E: Do you think that’s a good thing?
S: I think somehow it’s a good thing {This technology}. It get people become lazier I’ll say, but it’s also make my, our life more convenient.

(2:28 – 2:38)
E: Is convenience in a home as an… an… an important priority for a lot of people?
S: I don’t know a lot of people, but for me convenience is important.

(2:38 – 3:05)
E: OK. Let’s move on now and talk about people who do not have homes {Um-hum}. Many people in the world are homeless {Um-hum}, including people in China {Um-hum}. Do you think homeless people are basically responsible for their own situation?
S: Partly. But I think they’re like in a higher level. They are, they responsible, they should be responsible by their government {Um-hum}, the whole society. En.

(3:05 – 3:10)
E: So, you should, you think the government should take…
S: Take care of them, yes.

(3:10 – 3:18)
E: How should they take care of them?
S: She, shelt them, shelter them {Um-hum}. Build shelters for them and try to find them, find them jobs.

(3:18 – 3:41)
E: Do you think that in China, especially, do you think homelessness is a, a by-product of the rapid economic growth that’s going on?
S: {lip smacking noise} I don’t really think so. I think there are many reasons to China, the so-called “Chinese miracle”, but I don’t think they are one of the, I don’t know, the sacrifice or the reason of this rapid development. No.

(3:41 – 3:54)
E: OK. And… and what do you think can be done to reduce the numbers of homeless people in the future?
S: In large, this pro, provide more jobs.

(3:54 – 4:09)
E: How can jobs be provided? Government jobs or private sectors?
S: Build a new bridge. Build a new road. Refresh this old buildings and then tha, that, that was the Roosevelt do in the America, and I think that’s always one of the solutions.


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