Lexical Resource

Speaker : 34
Gender : Male
IELTS Speaking Score : 6
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 3


E-examiner S-student
(0:00 – 0:17)
E: We’ve been talking about an interest that you enjoy. And I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this. {Yeah} Let’s consider, first of all, the social benefits of hobbies. So, how might having a hobby be good for a person’s social life?
(0:17 – 0:43)
S: First of all, I guess, once you have got a hobby, it’s more easy for you to meet, meet some other guys who ha… who h, also has the same hobby, ‘cos I, I do know there are some club, like Fitness First. If you like doing activities, you can go there and meet friends. It will broaden your friendship.

(0:43 – 1:03)
E: What about hobbies that are very… they don’t need other people? What about hobbies that are quite solitary?
S: It, it can kills the spare time, I guess. {Hum-hum} ‘Cos… sometimes, like, watching movies or playing computer games, it’s both of them are good ways to kill the time.

(1:03 – 1:30)
E: But do you think it improves their social involvement?
S: Yeah, sure, ‘cos if you are… if you are… i, if you don’t know what to do, maybe you are make trouble for the soci… to the society. Once you have got something to do, maybe you just stay at home. ‘Cos… s, I do know that some… there are some people. They, they don’t know what to do during their spare times. They go out and drink and then make troubles for the society.

(1:30 – 2:05)
E: What about spending too much time on a person’s hobby? Do you think there are negative effects for that person?
S: It depends. Sometimes, sometimes I may say yes, ‘cos, like, if you… if you just… if you got, have got a hobby, just enjoy self one by a… enjoy something by yourselves, maybe it’s not good, ‘cos at least someone have to get some time to, like, contact with the other people and get more socialized.

(2:05 – 2:33)
E: Why do people need a hobby?
S: Why do people need a hobby? It’s, {lip smacking noise} it’s really a hard question. Why do people need a hobby? I guess… Why do people need a hobby? Sorry, I really don’t know about this answer, and I couldn’t find an answer.

(2:33 – 3:02)
E: Let’s move on to talk about leisure time. So, in China, how much time do people spend on work? And how much time do they spend on leisure?
S: Normally, we work eight hours a day, five days week. That’s 40 hours in total. And we’ve got two days free the, every week. Yes, that’s exactly people like spend on work and leisure time.

(3:02 – 3:44)
E: Would you say that’s the same as in the past? Or in the past did people work more?
S: In the past, actually, people work more, especially in, during the period like China opening up to the world. And at that time, I guess people work over… worked over 40 hours. But now, like, the government, they try to, {lip smacking noise} how to say, cut down the working shifts, so there are m… there are more work opportunities, because once you work more hours, there’re less work opportunities, ‘cos you can work… If you can work for 80 hours, maybe there only need one shift, but if you just work 40 hours, there may be ne, need two shifts, so more people can get work.

(3:44 – 4:28)
E: Now, what about the amount of free time? Do you think the, in the last 50 years or so, in China the amount of free time has changed much?
S: Yeah, it has changed a lot, ‘cos in the past times, we, we hadn’t got much spare time like public holidays, but in recent a couple… in recent a couple of years, the government added more national public holiday within a year. So, people… so we call it golden holiday. Like, we have got five or seven days for people just for free, and they may go travel around during the country. It, it can improve the GDP.

(4:28 – 4:50)
E: So that is designed to give people a holiday, {Yeah} those people who work quite a lot.
S: Yeah, I guess so, ‘cos we have also get some… get some holidays, like, during Shanghai Exhibition and Beijing Olympic Games, the people in Beijing and in Shanghai, they’ve got extra public holidays. That’s sweet.

(4:50 – 4:53)
E: Well, thank you very much. That’s the end of the speaking test.

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