Fluency & Coherence

Speaker : 33
Gender : Male
IELTS Speaking Score : 6
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 3


E-examiner S-student
(0:00 – 0:22)
E: Now, we’ve been talking about a well-known person you like {Yeah} or admire, and I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions {Sure} related to this. Let’s consider, first of all, famous people in your country. {Yep} So, in China, what kind of people become famous?
S: Politicians, the pop stars, and you know, sports stars, the singer, with the other countries, I think.

(0:22 – 0:49)
E: Is one of those groups more popular than others?
S: It’s depends, ‘cos for, {lip smacking noise} like politicians, you have to know them because they appear all the time on the televisions, or newspapers. But for some pop stars like, ‘cos it’s, it’s special famous for the young people, ‘cos you know, the young people like, you know, the follow the stars and the new trends. But for sports stars they mainly become famous during, you know, some Olympic games, or some competitions. So, it’s really depends. Yeah.

(0:49 – 1:11)
E: What about in the past? Were those same people famous in the past? Politicians, sports stars and pop stars?
S: I think so, ‘cos even in the p, sorry, I have talk with my parents. At their age, and when they was young, they also, you know, follow some pop stars and sports stars. And you know, for the politicians, you know, they change all, change quite often, so yeah, they’re also famous, yeah.

(1:11 – 1:50)
E: And how about the future? Where do you think it’s going to go?
S: I think they… I mean, I mean this kind of people will remain famous in the future, this typed people ‘cos, you know, we still have lots of new pop stars, sports stars, and some new politicians, but I think some other people will join them as well, for example, notice we, you know, some like, entrepreneurs, for example, the founder of the Facebook. He’s famous for everyone. Even, you know, the, some, you know, some str, not weird but strange people, like the founder of the Wi, WikiLeak, you know, he’s also popular because the things has done. So, I think this kind of new, you know, raising group people will join, you know, the famous people in the future.

(1:50 – 2:18)
E: And do you think technology is going to be the place where many of our famous people come from in the future?
S: Definitely, ‘cos I think, you know, nowadays, you know, most of people use, you know, the Facebooks or Twitters, you know, so definitely, this kind techn, this kind of website or the new technology will help to, m, you know, make people famous. And I think many people are working on it ‘cos, you know, there are special companies, you know, to make these people famous through the internet, you know the, you know a lot of advertisement, or the promotion, yeah.

(2:18 – 3:05)
E: And let’s talk about celebrity culture. Often famous people are using advertising. {Yep} Can you give me some examples of that?
S: Well, it’s quite often, you know. We can see lots famous people on the television. For example, like, one typical example is the Michael Jordan, ‘cos he is, actually you know, when the first time, you know, Nike become very famous, is because Michael Jordan, ‘cos he is the first, no, he’s first NBA stars, you know, to sign a company to, you know, have the, you know, f, serious f… commercials for specific companies. And I think that’s a typical example, you know, how the famous people to make... to help the company successful and also, the company use his money to make the stars become more famous. So, I think it’s, yeah.

(3:05 – 3:58)
E: And that example you’re talking about with Michael Jordon, he is a basketball player {Yep} who is promoting a product that he was personally involved {Yep} in, in producing. {Yep} What about celebrities who endorse products for which they have no personal connection?
S: Yeah, it’s quite often because you know, people are profit-oriented, ‘cos, yeah, we can see lots, I think for some like, make-up production, we can see lots of famous, you know, female stars. They just say, “OK, this one’s so good. It’s fantastic”. Nobody know whether they, he’s, she’s use it or not. Yeah, I think sometimes, depends on ethnical, this is ethnical choice. Someone they really tr, try it and use it, and say, “OK this one’s fine, is good”, so we can rely on it. But some of them just, you know, want to get the money. So, is just you know, do a promotion stuffs without s, really using it or the na, testing it.

(3:58 – 5:04)
E: How about our young people? How might famous people or celebrities have a negative impact on our young people?
S: Well, as we know, some of famous people is not that, you know, good. How to say, isn’t, I cannot say that immoral, but the action they have done is really bad, you know, the example, for the young ch, yo, yo, young, young, young kids, or the, young, young, young generation, ‘cos you know, some them s, some of them, once he come the famous, they just try the drugs, you know, have, you know, stay in the clubs, you know, all the, all day, all s, not all day but all the night. And, yeah, I definitely, you know, yo, young people sometimes cannot distinguish good things or the bad things. Sometimes they just follow the stars’ actions. So, it makes, you know, some of them just, OK, say “it’s pretty cool thing”, you know, “to try some drug, ‘cos that star is trying it and, or many stars are trying it, or it’s pretty cool”, you know, “to stay with girls all the time, different girls all the time”, you know. Some might, you know, adults, has not, adul, he’s doing same thing. So, I think is pretty bad, negative effects on the young people.

(5:04 – 5:07)
E: Well, thank you very much {Thank you}. That’s the end of the speaking test.


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