
Speaker : 23
Gender : Female
IELTS Speaking Score : 5.5
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 3


E-examiner S-student
(8:31 – 9:23)
E: We’ve been talking about a time when you helped someone. And I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this. So, let’s consider first of all, helping neighbors. Can you tell me some of the practical things that people can do to help their neighbors?
S: Yes. I think people always should help their neighbors, because they live for together in one place. So, for instance, they can help to carry their things to their homes, if they… so, them, in the street {Um-hum}, or maybe to, to, to ta, to look after their children.

(9:23 – 9:51)
E: So why, why is it important then for neighbors to help each other?
S: I think it’s very important, because they, they are like relatives {Em}. They live in the one place, and they should be cooperative. They should be tolerant {Em} to each other.

(9:51 – 9:55)
E: OK, you live in a, a big city in, in XX.
S: Yeah.

(9:55 – 10:05)
E: Do you think that people in small towns help each other more than people in cities?
S: I think so, yes.

(10:05 – 10:51)
E: Why, why, why is that?
S: Because, in a small town, there are, no, not as much people, so {Hum}, as in the t big cities. Because, and they, they need help, and they are more closer to each other {Right}, because they are few. So, and comparing with big cities, the, s, si, si, people who live inn cities, they are very busy {Em}. They just think about yourselves.

(10:51 – 11:10)
E: Right. Let’s go on and think about jobs that involve helping people. Can you tell me some of the jobs that, that focus on helping other people?
S: Well…

(11:10 – 11:34)
E: Where, where do, what kind of jobs, like, caring jobs.
S: Yes, I think, was first of all, so in the hospital, nurses {Em}, {Right} doctors. They help people to, to become {Yeah} healthy again.

(11:34 – 11:46)
E: What, what sort of qualities does a person need to work in that sort of job?
S: You mean to become a doctor or ter{inaudible}?

(11:46 – 12:04)
E: Not, not qualifications, but what kind of person is, makes a, a good nurse, or a good doctor?
S: I think he or she should be very kind, tolerant and cooperative.

(12:04 – 12:20)
E: Why, why, why tolerant?
S: Tolerant, because people need some help, and people, all people, need, the, the same… {inaudible}

(12:20 – 12:55)
E: OK, they, so people like nurses, in that sort of job. Do you think the, their salaries are too low?
S: Maybe, if for the nur, nurses, nurses, I think, not only nurses. Also, teachers {Em} are get less salaries than other types of work.

(12:55 – 13:23)
E: They should be paid more.
S: Yeah, I think so, because they do very great thing. They help people to, to become a health and to, to, to ge, to get their confidence again {Em}. And it’s very great job, I think.

(13:23 – 13:27)
E: OK. Well, thank you very much, XX. That is the end of the speaking test.


Feature List


All / None

1. Letters in purple contain consonant features.
2. Letters in green contain vowel features.
3. Letters in red contain features with syllable structure change.
4. Words in blue contain mispronunciation features.
5. Words in pink contain features with word stress.
6. Letters highlighted in light green contain features with consonant-vowel linking.