
Speaker : 1
Gender : Female
IELTS Speaking Score : 5
IELTS Speaking Session: Part 1
  E-examiner S-student
E: OK, so, first of all, I am going to ask some questions about yourself. Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
S: I’m a, I’m, I’m an undergraduate student studying in XX University and major in Business English.

E: Why did you choose to study this?
S: Because in, in my high school, I see many English movies and I… I’m so very big fan of English. So, I want to ju… I want do something about this. So, I choose English. And also before contents, b, business is very easy to find a job. I… So, I chose it.

E: Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
S: I prefer to study in the morning because in the morning, I… it the beginning of the day and I have a good memory about reading. So, I choose morning.

E: Now, let’s talk about weekends. What do you usually do on the weekends?
S: I usually do some relaxing thing because it’s the only two days I can relax myself. So, I always reading some interesting books or some… watching some interesting movies.

E: Did you do anything special last weekend?
S: {noise} Actually, I don’t do some special because, you know, the… nowa, nowadays we, we p, prefer to stay at home and don’t go outside. So, {noise} I just study in my home and learn some {noise}, some, some… my… my subjects. So, I don’t go outside do some special.

E: What will you do next weekend?
S: Maybe, if maybe… the weather going well, I will go outside and with my family members do some picnic or other things.

E: Do you prefer spending your weekends with your family or friends?
S: I often do… do i… {noise} do i… this p… I often with my family just {noise} in the weekend because I… in the usually days, I not… I leave, I leave from home. Nowadays in the holiday, I… It’s the only time I can spend time with my family.

E: Now let’s talk about famous people. Have you ever met any famous people?
S: Y… Yes, I… I re… in my memories, in the last day, in the last… this semester, our school have a very… a big movie expe, expla, ex plan, ex, explandation. And in, in that day, I’m the volunteer and see some famous movie star. And also, I have a ch, a opportunity talk with them.

E: If you have a chance, which famous person would you like to meet?
S: That’s must be my idols because I’m a K-pop fan, and also I usually like their hot performance. And so, if lu, luckily, I have a chance to go their concert and see them. That will be good.

E: Thank you.


Feature List


All / None

1. Letters in purple contain consonant features.
2. Letters in green contain vowel features.
3. Letters in red contain features with syllable structure change.
4. Words in blue contain mispronunciation features.
5. Words in pink contain features with word stress.
6. Letters highlighted in light green contain features with consonant-vowel linking.